When I met Lynn Taylor through a women's walking group last autumn, I could not have imagined that barely a year later, we would be standing together at the launch of her first children's picture book, "The Adventures of Miss Mousey", held at Urmston Library. Retirement has enabled Lynn to put her energy into creating, and what energy that is!
Having already taught myself how to publish a book, I was delighted to help Lynn in making Miss Mousey 'print ready'. The speed with which Heather Dickinson produced the delightful illustrations was breathtaking. I spent almost a week formatting the book and putting it together, and a fortnight later, we held the proof copy in our hands. Lynn also has narrated the story onto CD and composed a number of songs of songs to go with it, co-sung by another friend, Sue who she met through her choir.
More of Lynn's energy went into the organisation of a wonderful book launch. The library was thrilled to be packed out with families and children. More friends had been recruited to serve drinks and to sell books and other merchandise. Lynn was kept busy signing her autography, reading exerpts, singing songs - and Miss Mousey and the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress all put in an appearance.
It was a very exciting event for all of us that were involved in making Lynn's dream of producing a book reality. It was lovely to see so many children going away with a copy in their hand. For me, it was also an opportunity to make some new contacts who will hopefully help me get my books into schools and my stories better known. I've discovered though that too much excitement can make you very sleepy!